Monday, February 4, 2013

Reprocessing Pressure Points

So very often athletes come into my office telling me that they're feeling "pressure”. Upon hearing the dreaded and often nebulous 'p' word, I usually promptly ask: "from who and where is it coming from?". What I still find surprising is that they struggle to find origins of these negative feelings, at least at first. Typically, when an athlete seeks outside support, pressure to perform has been present for an extended period of time and regularly interferes with their performances and in some cases-their relationships and daily lives. 
The good news is, while there is some stress associated with being an athlete, managing pressure feelings is a skill that can be learned. 
First, an athlete must search to identify what induces or 'triggers' feeling of pressure. Is it self-induced, from a coach, parent, significant other? Knowing the source is important. What directions is the pressure coming from?
Next, what does being "under pressure" look and feel like to the individual? This response is different depending on who you ask. Does the athlete fret over mistakes? Are there exchanges with content of heightened or unrealistic expectations with others? Are the athlete and/or or coach's standards unrealistic? How does the stress manifest: inhibited concentration, somatic (bodily), or in general enjoyment of the sport? How do the feelings of pressure affect mood? 
Also, what does the athlete say to themselves that perpetuates this negative cycle? "Don't mess up", "I don't know if I can do this", or "coach/mom/dad will be mad if I don't succeed" are common negative internalized messages that hinder performance.
Once some possible triggers and awareness have been identified and sorted out, the athlete can start to counter these negative thinking patterns. A simple exercise is to "check in" with their thought patterns during a game or practice with what their thinking of, and insert a positive message when they usually are   and negative.  Use of deep breathing and a few minutes of relaxation is also recommended, especially before competition and when the athlete begins to feel most stressed. 
Over time and with practice, these techniques help a great deal with athlete perspective and creates a greater sense of control of a situation. 
Use of the cue ‘Identify, Reframe, Relax’ or related mantra is often helpful.
Enjoy the process!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog through LA Runner's blog. I love it. This post is great and speaks to me directly. We perform so much better without pressure!
